Alexander Klimetschek napisaƂ(a):
Grzegorz Kossakowski schrieb:
You mentioned that you play with Dojo. I have some troubles with fixing upload progress sample from Forms. I guess it's clearly client side issue but I cannot debug relevant code snippet (it does not appear in Firebug) and I'm really tired
with all these AJAX issues. Can I count on your help with this one?

Yes, I can provide a test scenario here, we are using uploads as well.

Great, thanks for your offer!

I'm going to write report on Forms/Ajax refactorings and will mention this problem.

Can you give a short example on how one configures that all dojo js and form xsl files etc. are retrieved by an ajax/forms sitemap? Will those sitemaps get mounted automatically under some URL?
Yes, sitemaps (actually servlets running sitemaps) are mounted at location configured in src/main/resources/META-INF/cocoon/spring. See recent thread for more detailed info: However, apart from your own block, you don't need to bother yourself with mount locations of blocks because you should use connections and servlet: scheme. Actually, that is one of reasons (not only one!) why servlet-service-fw is so sexy that I decided to refactor whole Ajax and Forms blocks ;-)

I provided migration guides in draft version:

Could you provide result of your migration? I suggest to try with some small application.

Grzegorz Kossakowski

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