Reinhard Poetz wrote:

After Helma's work on the skin, I have published a snapshot of our docs at


I did spot a small glitch while clicking around though:

the links to the 'projects' are coded like this

     <ul class="projectList">
       <li><a href="../2.2/core-modules/">Cocoon Core</a></li>
       <li><a href="../2.2/blocks/">Cocoon Blocks</a></li>
       <li><a href="../subprojects/">Subprojects</a></li>
       <li><a href="../2.2/maven-plugins/">Maven Plugins</a></li>

I have the impression they are missing an extra ../ to pop up an additional level?

As you can see from, most of the work on the docs building infrastructure has been done.

The next step is bringing the content of the main site into a good shape.

is there a  detailed list of what needs to be done?

Some way to centrally dispatch and follow up so people can step in and help complete...
(maybe some smart status-field with ditto document query could help?)


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