Reinhard Poetz wrote:
Ralph Goers wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:
I'm not sure if it is directly helpful for your problem, but Spring 2.x offers request, session and global-session scoped beans (
Thanks, but that doesn't help. A portal typically consists of the portal webapp and several portlet wars. The session variables have to be shared across theses various webapps. However, the portlet spec mandates that they each have their own session. Most portal vendors provide proprietary ways around this. Also, in this environment each portlet war will have its own Spring container. The beans can't be shared without getting ClassLoader errors.

These are the types of issues you want to avoid creating.

hmmm, just wondering what the globalSession scope of Spring is good for then? According to the Spring documentation it solves exactly this problem.
Unfortunately, that will only let you share the session amongst portlets in the same war. portlets in different wars, as well as servlet filters running ahead of the portal won't have access to it.


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