Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

cocoon-core-2.2.0-RC1-tests.jar and cocoon-pipeline-impl-1.0.0-RC1-tests.jar have no required LICENSE, NOTICE files.


cocoon-4.pom file has no license header.

I guess it got lost after the first release :-(

All of maven-metadata.xml files have no license header either.

Do we really have to add our license header to those files? AFAICS nobody does it. Do they really contain (enough) protectable intellectual property? I don't think so.

                                 - o -

Anyway, I have to release cocoon-4, cocoon-core-2.2.0-RC1-tests and cocoon-pipeline-impl-1.0.0-RC1-tests again. Since all other modules depend on them, this stops the release of all other artifacts too :-(

The problem is that

 a) I'm not sure how to add LICENSE and NOTICE to the _old_ code.
    I guess I have to create branches of those modules first,
    add the files there and run mvn release again.
 b) I don't have much time for opensource stuff ATM hence I can't say
    when I can do it. Sorry.

If somebody has more time for the release of the three artifacts, just let me know ...

Reinhard Pötz Independent Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach
{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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