Alfred Nathaniel wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-07-11 at 07:50 +0200, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> did you try maven 2.0.7 with jdk 1.4.2?
>> While building Cocoon with 2.0.7 and jdk1.5, I noticed that the version
>> for the spring-dao was resolved to 2.0.4....which fortunately is
>> available :(
>> Carsten
> Nope, same problem with maven 2.0.7.
> Actually in Jan you filed yourself a bugreport
> where ${project.version} was
> resolved to 2.4.1.  (You were then still using JDK1.4.2?)
Yes, I used 1.4.2

> Reading
> I gather the problem it is deeply rooted in maven and may be tackled
> only with maven 2.1.x.
Yes, unfortunately - I still don't get why maven does not simply replace
the properties on deployment. sigh.

> <snip/>
> I guess that is due an endorsed Xalan/Xerces problem.

> This is really getting out of hands.  I am now dumping 1.4.2.

Carsten Ziegeler

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