On 24.07.2007 00:42, Felix Knecht wrote:

I don't feel bad, the main question was if I can trust in the 'fixed'
tags in jira (2.1.11-dev was marked as fixed) or if I need to check in
the code if really all (even the already marked as fixed version)
mentioned branches are fixed before closing.

Don't bother too much about such things - it just happens and others should recheck as well as Antonio did now. There are no exact step-by-step procedures what to check.

What was suspicious in this case for example was that you were the first assignee though the fix version was already set (see "change history" tab in Jira issue). Also in the "Subversion commits" tab there is (still) nothing to see despite we use to put the issue number (the exact one, in this case COCOON-2065) into the commit message. Jira checks those messages (don't know how exactly it is integrated) and puts them on that tab.

So the fix version seems to have been set since the creation of the issue, probably the creator thought this is appropriate since he came up with a patch. Unfortunately and obviously that's wrong and everybody could have noticed that from the beginning and could have corrected it in the issue. Just do the insanity checks you think are meaningful. It seems to be bad luck that it always hits you ;-)


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