Felix Knecht pisze:
I propose to have a a parameter we can set in the sitemap for readers
indicating that the read resource is deprecated.
This parameter will be read in the o.a.c..r.AbstractReader and log a
warning in case of (is a System.out.println also needed?).

  <map:match pattern="resource/external/forms/**.js">
    <map:read src="resource://org/apache/cocoon/forms/resources/{1}.js"
      <map:parameter name="deprecated" value="true"/>

Felix, I see that you are going to deprecate HTMLArea right now. Have you seen 
Reinhard's response[1], especially this:?

  >> What others think about it? Do we need a vote?

  yes please so that the decision gets explicit to everybody who doesn't follow
  each mail thread in every detail.

[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/74250

Grzegorz Kossakowski

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