I'm curious as to why this failed to generate responses. Maybe someone could offer me some advice. Should I have just submitted my patch to JIRA first, or is there something else I should have done?

Andrew Cave

Andrew Cave wrote:

I noticed that Cocoon's XIncludeTransformer seems to be missing the base URI fixup support specified in the W3C's XInclude spec [1] (Careful, this is distinct from supporting xml:base to resolve relative xi:include hrefs against).

In short, it says that the base URIs of documents do not change when passed through an XInclude parser. This means that xml:base attributes with the value of the current base URI should be added to the top level included elements. To see an example, the xmllint parser (part of libxml2) will perform this attribute insertion when you enable XInclude processing.

I think this feature is important because otherwise, relative URIs (i.e. links) in an included document will break if the included document is not located in the same directory. Adding the xml:base attribute to the result gives later content handlers the ability to resolve relative URIs against the base. (In particular, I'm thinking of using XPath 2.0's resolve-uri function).

Any thoughts? Is this a feature we need to see?

I think this is the cleanest and most general solution for resolving relative URIs in included documents -- not to mention it's required by the XInclude spec. Pending discussion here, I've created a patch that adds this support that I can submit to JIRA.

Andrew Cave

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xinclude/#base - The Base URI Fixup section of the W3C's XInclude specification

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