
Joerg Heinicke asked[1] me to provide summary of the issue that Daniel 
raised[2] and outline
possible solutions so we can discuss them.

The problem is that Object Model is a signleton object (more precisely, with 
"call" scope defined in
cocoon-servlet-service-impl) and is passed to the components (pipeline 
components) that are executed
somehow simultaneously. This can lead to the serious problems like one with 
parameters I described
here[3] and clarified here[4].

To elaborate on it further, the situation is similar to the situation when 
thread-unsafe component
is used in two threads at the same time. You know, it may lead to corrupted 
state and so on. What's
the classical solution for such problem? Creating two separate instances of 
components assigned to
each thread respectively.

I think we should do the same for Object Model. I proposed[5] to create new 
Spring scope (or reuse
sitemap scope that must be implemented). Actually, such scope does, 
behind-the-scene, what I
described one paragraph above. It creates new instance (that may inherit 
properties from old one) of
Object Model when entering pipeline components. Then component is safe to 
modify Object Model
according to its needs or even pass it to subsequent, internal requets (like 
calling service) and
can be sure that Object Model contains only data belongs only to the current 
component. What's very
convenient, Spring scope would be completely transparent to the components and 
even almost
transparent to the pipeline's implementation. Pipeline's code would have to 
only inform when scope
is entered and leaved.

On the other hand, there is a subtle difference between threads ran 
simultaneously and pipeline's
components ran simultaneously. In latter case, we are in charge of component's 
management and
execution. That means we know exactly when one or another component is executed 
so we can modify the
same Object Model instance the way that changes to Object Model performed in 
one component will be
not visible in another one. Since switching between components occurs on every 
SAX event we would
have to adjust Object Model on-the-fly for every SAX event and every component 
in a pipeline. This
solution has been proposed[6] by Daniel that gave more detailed description.

Personally speaking, I really dislike Object Model changing on-the-fly idea. It 
seems rather heavy
and would be hard to understand in the future. I guess that maintenance cost of 
it would be higher
than of our custom scope.
Custom scope proved to be working very well in cocoon-servlet-service-impl so I 
think we should use
similar concept.


[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/74539
[2] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/74435
[3] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/74455
[4] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/74483
[5] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/74479
[6] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.cocoon.devel/74435

Grzegorz Kossakowski
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*** I'm already trying to switch ISP but it will take handful amount of time. 

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