Actually, now that you mention it one of the things I've disliked about flow is that you can only specify a single interpreter per sitemap. One should be able to have a single sitemap that uses multiple expression languages, possibly even in the same pipeline.

Alfred Nathaniel wrote:
On Sun, 2007-08-19 at 21:20 +0200, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Thanks to Grzegorz efforts, we are now close to be able to use the same exprssion language and object model both in the sitemap and in templates.

The whole thing is plugable, so those who have large investments in the current syntax and models can continue using them.

But while flexibillity is good for back compability it is confusing for new users. So we should try hard to decide what should be the default expression language and expression syntax.

Once I preffered JXPath as my webapps where XML-centric and I used XSLT and XPath everywhere. But now my webapps is more Java based, so JEXL or JS seem more natural. Of these I prefer JEXL as JS is a little bit to powerful as an EL for my taste.

But is the rest of world really using JEXL, JS or JXPath as ELs? Wouldn't it be a better idea to use the Unified Expression Language (EL) of JSP 2.1 (JSR-245) ( To me it seem like a rather good EL and there are several Apache licenced implementations, Tomcat has one and there is another one called JUEL



Maybe there is no good default at all!

How about specifying in the sitemap which expression language is used in
it?  And if this specification is missing, the default is the good old
input module.

Cheers, Alfred.

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