Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Leszek Gawron pisze:
Hello Leszek
previously (all my software bases on this behaviour) if a variable was declared at imported template it was available further on:

<!-- macros.jx declares foo variable -->
<jx:import uri="view/macros.jx"/>

previous versions showed: <tags>bar</tags>
currently the scope changed and the template produces: <tags></tags>

this produces the expected result:
<!-- lets declare foo ourselves -->
<jx:set var="foo" value="..."/>
<!-- macros.jx modifies the tags variable -->
<jx:import uri="view/macros.jx"/>
<!-- works as expected -->

was this intentional?

I guess it's due to my changes regarding switch to new Object Model and it was not intentional. Even thought the bahaviour you are describing is natural it seems that no code in Cocoon samples rely on it. What's more important, it seems that it's not covered by test cases. If it was I could spot the regression.

Leszek, I could help you with it but to avoid confusion I would need complete test template with exactly expected result. However, I'm not sure when I will be able because I have broken my openSUSE installation (too much experiments with RAID). Nevertheless I suggest to create a new issue.

If you want to debug it yourself let us know if you need advices on how to debug Cocoon 2.2.

no worry, got that in control already. Problem lies both in instruction and

StartDocument doc;
try {
    doc = executionContext.getScriptManager().resolveTemplate(uri);
} catch (ProcessingException exc) {
    throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), getLocation(), exc);
if ( != null) {
    try {
        Object obj =;
        objectModel.put(ObjectModel.CONTEXTBEAN, obj);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), getLocation(), exc);
    } catch (Error err) {
        throw new SAXParseException(err.getMessage(), getLocation(),
                                    new ErrorHolder(err));
try {
    Invoker.execute(consumer, objectModel, executionContext,
                    macroContext, namespaces, doc.getNext(), 
} catch (Exception exc) {
    throw new SAXParseException(
                                "Exception occurred in imported template " + uri
                                + ": " + exc.getMessage(), getLocation(), exc);


this one is quite obvious:
markLocalContext() should be executed only if a context object is explicitly set with <jx:import uri="sth" context="${contextObject}"/> (or should not?)


There is exactly the same problem here:

<root xmlns:jx="";>
        <foo xmlns="";>
                <jx:set var="foo" value="bar"/>

as you expect the output currently is:
<root xmlns:jx="";>
        <foo xmlns="";>

With this one I'm not that sure what to do:

2.a. remove markLocalContext() in StartPrefixMapping and cleanupLocalContext() in EndPrefixMapping. This clearly has side effect I am not able to analyze. I am not even sure this will work properly as some properties of object model will probably get overriden. Please comment.

2.b. introduce new methods to ObjectModel which
    * register namespace local context
* unregister namespace local context without removing variable declarations


Leszek Gawron               
CTO at MobileBox Ltd.

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