Juanjo Vázquez skrev:
Hi all,

I´m working in an Cocoon 2.2-RC1 web application with one block. Everything is ok when i deploy to Tomcat but i´m getting errors when i deploy to Weblogic 9.2. I have been looking for a workaround or a solution and it seems the problem is the blocks are not deployed to the public web directory in the weblogic domain.

Everything points to the method "deployBlockResources" in "DeploymentUtil" class (cocoon-spring-configuratior-1.0.0.jar) is not working properly in this environment. I have been debugging the application deployed to weblogic with these discoveries:

1. Spring loads the jar configurations with zip protocol instead jar protocol, i.e. zip:C:/bea/user_projects/domains/cm_domain/servers/AdminServer/tmp/_WL_user/proxy-ear/53xotj/war/WEB-INF/lib/cocoon-servlet-service-impl-1.0.0-M2.jar!/META-INF/cocoon/spring/cocoon-callstack-environment.xml

2. In Runtime, the "URLConnection" class is a "weblogic.utils.ZipUrlConnection" not a "JarURLConnection"

Can anybody help me with this problem?

Some background:

Blocks can contain resources that are intended to be available in e.g. sitemaps. These resources are put in a directory called COB-INF at the root of the directory structure of a block. The blocks are ordinary jars that are put in WEB-INF/lib (during development the blocks can expanded also).

The task of DeploymentUtil.deployBlockResources is to search the class path for all urls to COB-INF resources. If the url is of the type file: the url and the block name is registred. Then the resources in the COB-INF directory of the block is available through the blockcontext: source. If the url is a jar, the resources in the COB-INF directory are extracted to a temp directory in the file system and the url of the extracted resources is registred together with the clock name.

For Weblogic it seem like the classloader contains zip: urls for resources. A solution would be to extend the DeploymentUtil.deployBlockResources method with a case for the zip: protocol, it would be similar to the jar: case but a little bit more compliacted as the zip protocol doesn't know about mainfest attributes. A problem with this is that the ZipUrlConnection is Weblogic specific, so the protocol handling code in deployBlockResources would need to be extracted to some components.

Another, and much simpler solution if it works, would be to just replace "zip:" with "jar:" in the url string, create a new url object from the patched url string, and use the existing jar handling code.


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