Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler pisze:
I know that this has been discussed in the past

several times ;-)

, but nevertheless do we
really think that urls like

are suited for a top web framework of the 21st century? "1290_1_1" has absolutely no meaning.

actually this was the intention. Since it was me who implemented the Daisy export plugin for Maven, I decided for non-speaking URLs.

So what can be done about it?

I support you Carsten on this. I talked about this with Reinhard and, AFAIR,
he told me that the main reason was to have links immutable. I think we could
loosen our requirement for having immutable links to just provide permanent
redirection for changed titles.

I must admit I haven't evaluated if it's technically easy to achieve but at
least such idea is rather conforms HTTP spec.

The worst thing is that our current version of Daisy does not support titles
as names of published documents. Am I right Reinhard?

Yes, the Daisy explort plugin doesn't support this feature, but it shouldn't be too difficult to implement this. However, don't hold your breath that it will be me who will add this feature because it is rather low on my Cocoon priority list (long after a final release of 2.2, _wirting_docs, RESTful forms/controller, etc.).

Reinhard Pötz                            Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member, PMC Chair        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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