Hi Joerg

On 6 Feb 2008, at 05:26, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 04.02.2008 08:43, Dev at weitling wrote:

if the migration to Dojo 1.0 tends to become a big piece of work what about migrating to Prototype/Scriptaculous (or similar)?

The last Dojo update to 0.4.3 was not that long ago, was it? So it can't be too hard to update ... Of course I might be totally wrong :-)

It is actually quite a lot of work, I have been looking into it ......

I'd love to do it, but being self-employed, cannot spare the time/ expense right now ...... unless someone is willing to offer some sponsorship ;-)

There have been quite a few architectural changes going from 0.4.n to 1.0, including really core stuff that we use heavily like the auto package loading being removed.

Another big aspect is re-writing the widgets that still use other third-party libraries, to custom dojo widgets, we really could be using one Ajax library, not several.

I hope we find a solution, we have discussed the same issues for two years running now at CocoonGTs !

best regards


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