The fix is one short function added to
PipelineEventComponentProcessingNode and called in the line that sets
the Parameters of the three child classes. Maintenance would be easy.

No, it is not - fixing it this way would cause a lot of trouble and break the whole sitemap engine. The current sitemap has been drafted way back in the early days of Cocoon more than eight years ago. One basic concept is that selectors and matchers only define which components are used in the pipeline processing. They've never meant to be used for configuration selection of a single component. This has been discussed for Cocoon 2.0 and it has been this way for the whole time. During all these years this has never been a problem for Cocoon users as it is a very clear concept. Inside selectors you can have any other component like matchers, transformers, you name it. So if we follow your suggestion we have two different kind of selectors. Which will end in handling special cases and special case handling is always bad.

Starting to allow selectors for choosing configuration parameters will end in a very very messy and not maintainable sitemap, so Joergs suggestions are a much better way of handling things. Just you can do something without Java coding does not mean that this is the best and cleanest way.

Carsten Ziegeler

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