Andreas Hartmann pisze:
Luca Morandini schrieb:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
It would be great to have better docs, but honestly who is going to write them?

Some (most ?) of it has been already written, it's just a matter of copying it from Javadoc (or 2.1 docs pages) to the 2.2 ones, and check its currentness, of course.

We might not get some new users because of bad docs, but we might get people really interested in a new Cocoon.

Does it mean we already gave up with attracting new users ?

What's the "mission" of 2.2 then ?

As I see it, this release has the potential of attracting new users to a leaner, meaner Cocoon, but then we should be able to greet them appropriately.

As for "old" users: I can talk only for myself, but I think 2.2 is great for new projects only, since it doesn't pay to Springify and Mavenize old ones.

I don't think so - that depends on the situation. We at Lenya will have to upgrade sooner or later, otherwise we'd lose touch with the Cocoon community and we'd have to backport all fixes and improvements. Most people who maintain an ongoing project will do the migration, whether it makes sense from a technological point of view or not.

Regarding documentation: In my experience, one of the best ways for creating docs is via personal "marketing". When people create a tutorial on their blogs or a presentation for a conference, the effort to move these contents to the project docs isn't that big (a big chunk of the Lenya documentation was developed this way). Maybe some of the developers could provide their slides? Even some links to could certainly be helpful.

That's some kind of idea... Need to blow cobweb away from my blog.. :-)


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