On Apr 3, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
Reinhard Poetz pisze:
Why do we have to replace the blockcontext: protocol at all?

Take a look at its current source code. There is no such a thing like "blockcontext:" protocol implementation at the moment.

In my [RT] mail I explained how we could possibly to stop cheating pretending there is a blockcontext protocol and


replace it with blockcontext expression that would better reflect current implementation.


Another possibility (suggested by you) is to provide real implementation of blockcontext: protocol and use blockcontext protocol in base URLs for blocks. I cannot comment on this solution because I haven't enough free time to check all implications. Remember: you will put blockcontext into ServletContext that is rather general interface. I don't say there is any problem, I'm only saying I haven't checked if there is none.

I prefer (only for now, as a quick solution) first way because there is not much room for discussion, brainstorming and general research which is quite opposite to URL-em-them-all approach. I really would like to fix SSF ASAP and let the discussion/research on URL go in parallel.

I've read your RT and I agree with conclusion that approach taken there - to convert String (blockcontext:) --> SourceResolver --> Source --> and back into String (file:) - it definitely smells bad.

But, I don't think plugging dependency to expressions block (A above) is the good idea. I'd rather prefer B: make blockcontext a regular protocol, and treat context path parameter as regular source without any special treatment. I'd expect any of supported source implementations to work there, be it http, webdav, or xmldb, or even blockcontext.


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