On May 5, 2008, at 3:08 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:

I sure am glad we decided to go with Java 1.4 for 2.2. See the nice bulletin at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html. At least now I'm certain we won't be supporting 1.4 until 2010.

Ralph Goers wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler said:

Although I guess everyone understood what I meant above, just a
clarification: of course I meant that it only makes sense to stick with 1.4 if the people working on and using 2.2 *with jdk 1.4* is a critical
mass. There is no doubt that currently there are many people
using/develeoping 2.2 in general.

We just switched our Cocoon deployment in production from IBM 1.4 to Sun 1.5 and got at least a 25% performance improvement. Java 1.6 is out. It seems nuts to me to continue to target 1.4 on an as yet unreleased new version of Cocoon. However, if you view this as a code change then the voting rules state that a single -1 vetoes the proposal, and we got that before. Unless the -1 is rescinded I fear we will be stuck at 1.4 until

We can bump version number to 2.3 and require Java 1.5 for it. In fact I'd proposed this already sometime before. 2.2 can be branched off for those few unfortunate who are stuck with Java 1.4.


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