
I'm having all sorts of problems with an input module I wrote that makes a few databases queries to perform its work, using JDBI. I'm still using Cocoon 2.1. I don't understand Avalon much and I'd appreciate it if some of you could look over my code and tell me if you see something blatantly wrong.

Moreover, I have a more basic question about database connections in Cocoon. Every call to my pipeline passes through a couple of SQLTransformers, then a LinkRewriter transformer that calls my input module many times to expand some particular links, whenever such links appear in the SAX stream. Every SQLTransformer and every call to my input module needs a DB connection object to perform its work, ie. the objects returned by dataSourceSelector.select("datasource").getConnection().

How can I avoid deadlock situations?

I picture many requests arriving all at the same time, all the components at the beginning of the pipelines getting their connections, emptying the connection pool, and then all the pipelines going into deadlock at a later stage because my input module (or any other component called at a later stage) cannot get its connection. I have the feeling this is exactly what's happening in some of my tests. What would be the correct approach here?


Here is the skeleton of my input module:

public class MyInputModule extends AbstractInputModule implements Serviceable, Disposable, ThreadSafe {

  protected ServiceManager manager;
  protected ServiceSelector dataSourceSelector;

  public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException {
    this.manager = manager;
dataSourceSelector = (ServiceSelector) manager.lookup(DataSourceComponent.ROLE + "Selector");

  public void dispose() {

private class DataSourceWrapper implements org.skife.jdbi.ConnectionFactory {

    private DataSourceComponent ds;

    public DataSourceWrapper(DataSourceComponent ds) {
      this.ds = ds;

    public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
      return ds.getConnection();

public Object getAttribute(String url, Configuration conf, Map om) throws ConfigurationException {

    DataSourceComponent datasource = null;
    org.skife.jdbi.Handle dbi = null;
    try {

      try {
datasource = (DataSourceComponent) dataSourceSelector.select("some-fixed-datasource-name");
      } catch (ServiceException e) {
        getLogger().warn("Error getting datasource", e);
dbi = new org.skife.jdbi.DBI(new DataSourceWrapper(datasource)).open();

* here goes lots of code using the dbi object to make queries, etc.

    } finally {

      try {
        if (dbi != null) dbi.close();
      } catch (org.skife.jdbi.DBIError dbe) {
        getLogger().warn("Error closing JDBI handle", dbe);
      if (datasource != null) dataSourceSelector.release(datasource);


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