Hi All

As you may know, I am working heavily on the revamp of Dojo on the client-side of CForms.

In Dojo it is possible to perform quite a lot of validation on form fields. There is a partial match between the validation capabilities of CForms and those of Dojo. Several people have thought in the past that it would be good to have the same validation occur on both the server and the client.

OTTOMH, the kind of validators we could probably make work in both places would be : email, length, mod10, range and regexp (plus maybe javascript, if we can sort out any context differences)

ATM however, no validation information is output by the form generation process. Datatypes are there (which I can initially use) but no validation.

So my question is, would someone volunteer to either add the definition's validation tags to the output or help work out the cleanest approach to adding it?

Many thanks

regards Jeremy

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