Benjamin Boksa wrote:
Hi List,

attached is a reproducible error I get when using the Cocoon Spring Configurator 2.0 in "stand-alone" mode. The idea is to use the configurator to implement a kind of ServiceLocator which internally uses Spring and hides away the implementation details from the user (let me know if this is completely bullshit…). It uses its own configuration directories (META-INF/foo-service/{spring,properties}) to not get any conflicts with "standard" cocoon locations.

Nevertheless here is the procedure to reproduce the error that drives me mad:

1. Expand the attached file and change to the "configurator-test"-directory
2. run "mvn test" (you will see that two Strings ("Hello" and "Har Har") are printed, where "Har Har" is configured using a PropertyPlaceholder - this is the expected behaviour) 3. run "mvn install" to install the configurator-test artifact to you local repository (don't forget to delete it later)
4. change to the test directory (cd ../test)
5. run mvn jetty:run
6. Open you browser and go to http://localhost:8888/test/spring-bean
7. BOOOM! You will see a "BeanDefinitionStoreException: Could not resolve placeholder 'test.text'" - which works fine in step 2

This leads me to the assumption that /META-INF/foo-service/spring/foo.xml from configurator-test is read correctly but the Spring Configurator somehow fails to read /META-INF/foo-service/properties/…

If you need further information let me know about it - if I did something wrong please let me know. I would be glad if you could actually help me to fix this error as I can't imagine another solution for my problem.

Please help me and let me know if I should file a bug report. Thanks in advance

I have run your test scenario. Please use the following statement:


using classpath*: ensures that spring will scan all available jars for that path and aggregate the results.

Your custom spring context gets properly initialized now but there is another error that shows your block is somehow invalid:

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'foo.test.service': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceResolver' is defined

I can't help you with that: I am still not using blocks in my project.

Hope that helps.

Leszek Gawron               
CTO at MobileBox Ltd.

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