Alexander Daniel wrote
> PoolableFactoryBean [2] creates a new PoolableProxyHandler instance [1]
> for each pooled component used in a pipeline, i.e. it will not be shared
> across different requests. Therefore I do not understand the use of
> ThreadLocal.
Yes, you're right for sitemap components - but this isn't true for any
other component. Imagine a singleton component using a poolable. The
singleton is used by multiple threads and therefore each thread
requires an own instance

Now, this is not optimal and actually it's legacy code - it is only used
for old Avalon components.

> Alex
> [1]
>     public Object getObject() throws Exception {
>         return Proxy.newProxyInstance(this.getClass().getClassLoader(),
>                                       this.interfaces,
>                                       new PoolableProxyHandler(this));
>     }
> [2]

Carsten Ziegeler

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