I'm not sure what is meant by "Java SE 5" level of JAXB support because
AFAICS it doesn't come with the JRE. I guess that it means that we have
to add a JAXB dependency to the cocoon-optional POM:




Both are available at the central Maven repo.

Since the impl is licenced under CDDL we have to add the CDDL license to
the cocoon-optional LICENSE.txt and the mentioned third-party notice to
the NOTICE.txt file.


Simone Tripodi wrote:
> Hi Reinhard,
> follow below what Donald Woods, from Apache Geronimo & Apache
> BeanValidation, wrote me about JAXB Licensing, maybe could help us o
> resolve our issue.
> Before starting coding I'll wait for your feedbacks.
> Have a nice evening, all the best!
> Simo
> ---
> We've distributed JAXB in Geronimo releases, as a CDDL binary-only jar
> (no source or jar checked into svn.)  To do so, you just need to include
> the appropriate info in the LICENSE and NOTICE files for your project.
> See -
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/server/tags/geronimo-2.1.5/LICENSE.txt
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/server/tags/geronimo-2.1.5/NOTICE.txt
> BUT, if your project can use the Java SE 5 or 6 provided levels of JAXB,
> then I strongly suggest you not provide your own.  We had to include
> different levels in Geronimo, as the Java EE spec was always one
> generation of JAXB ahead of the Java SE spec....
> 1) LICENSE - third-party licenses after the ASL 2.0 text -
> =========================================================================
> ==  Sun CDDL License                                                   ==
> ==  JAXB-API, JAXB, JAXWS, JSTL, SAAJ                                  ==
> =========================================================================
> <license text here....>
> 2) NOTICE - third-party required notices -
> . . .
> This product includes/uses software, Java Architecture for XML Binding
> developed by Sun Microsystems  (http://www.sun.com/)
>  (http://www.sun.com/cddl/cddl.html)
> . . .
> =========================================================================
> ==  Sun CDDL Notice                                                    ==
> =========================================================================
> This product includes software developed for the JAXB Reference
> Implementation project. (https://jaxb.dev.java.net/)
> This product includes software developed for Java API for XML Web Services
> project (JAX-WS) (https://jax-ws.dev.java.net/)
> This product includes software developed for the Java Server Pages Tag
> Library project (https://jstl.dev.java.net/)
> This product includes software developed for SOAP with Attachments
> API for Java (SAAJ). The software is available from the GlassFish project
> (https://saaj.dev.java.net/)
> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 10:07 AM, Reinhard Pötz <reinh...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Simone Tripodi wrote:
>>> Hi All, Reinhard,
>>> in the Apache BeanValidation we're using JAXB without any particular
>>> care on Licensing, being JAXB now part of the JVM.
>>> If you agree I'd add a JAXB based component starter to serialize beans
>>> through the SAX Pipeline in the sax module... what do you think about
>>> it?
>> Hi Simone,
>> isn't it a question of what JVM version we want to target? IIUC JAXB is
>> part of Java 6 but for Java 5 you have to add external libraries. Since
>> Cocoon 3 should be Java 5 compatible, we don't come around this problem.
>> Reinhard
>>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Simone Tripodi
>>> <simone.trip...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thank a lot Reinhard,
>>>> I'll check the projects you mentioned!!!
>>>> Have  anice day :)
>>>> Simo
>>>> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
>>>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Reinhard Pötz <reinh...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> Simone Tripodi wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all guys,
>>>>>> even if a little late, I noticed an old email[1] in the users ML where
>>>>>> one of C3 users was asking us how to integrate a JAXB marshaller into
>>>>>> C3.
>>>>>> After provided the hint, I suggested him to send a patch but at the
>>>>>> same time I don't know if it could be applied because of the
>>>>>> licensing: on the JAXB documentation I'm reading is reported that.
>>>>>>  * "JAXB is a redistributable component of the JWSDP" that's covered
>>>>>> by the JWSDP License[3]
>>>>>>  * "Parts of the JAXP software bundled with JAXB are covered by the
>>>>>> Apache License and the W3C License"
>>>>>> I'm not a lawyer and honestly not expert about licenses: do you have
>>>>>> any info that confirm we can/can't add JAXB in C3?
>>>>>> Also Javolution[4] contains a nice and fast XML marshaller[5], but
>>>>>> Javolution is released under the BSD[6] License. Are we allowed to
>>>>>> integrate Javolution in C3?
>>>>> I've never used JAXB, but I found http://camel.apache.org/jaxb.html
>>>>> which says that JAXB is part of Java 6.
>>>>> In order to remain Java 5 compliant, we have to add an optional JAXB
>>>>> dependency. Maybe Apache WS, CXF or Geronimo offer an AL 2.0 complient
>>>>> implementation or you could at least find out how they provide JAXB 
>>>>> support.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Reinhard Pötz                           Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH
>>>>>                         http://www.indoqa.com/en/people/reinhard.poetz/
>>>>> Member of the Apache Software Foundation
>>>>> Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  reinh...@apache.org
>>>>> ________________________________________________________________________
>> --
>> Reinhard Pötz                        Founder & Managing Director, Indoqa
>>                        http://www.indoqa.com/people/reinhard-poetz.html
>> Member of the Apache Software Foundation
>> Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  reinh...@apache.org
>> ________________________________________________________________________

Reinhard Pötz                        Founder & Managing Director, Indoqa

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member                  reinh...@apache.org

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