On Tue, 2012-01-03 at 09:47 +0100, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
> Hi all,
> since there seems to be no objections against this reviewed proposal so
> far, I'll start drafting out the actual reorganization following the
> guidelines defined above.
> I would still be glad if anyone is willing to join me in a live session
> for fixing all details involved (pom changes, JIRA, Sonar, Jenkins,
> Sonatype, ...).
> Anyway, because of the effects of such reorganizations, I'll ask here
> for confirmation before committing.

Yeah, I think we should be at least 3-5 committer with enough rights in
the different parts to update and a couple of devs to do the hot

Formally we had a community day where we meet on IRC (with bot which
committed the chat to a svn file, to make the work transparent for the
whole community). 

So who is up for a community day for spring cleaning of the project?

Which day best fits?

Thorsten Scherler <thorsten.at.apache.org>
codeBusters S.L. - web based systems
<consulting, training and solutions>

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