2012/10/11 Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org>

> On 11/10/2012 00:38, Javier Puerto wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I had working for an introduction talk about cocoon and I want lo
> > leave the github link. The presentation is in Spanish because was for
> > the http://barcampspain.com/ and
> > http://www.congresohispanoluso.com/en/. Comes with examples made with
> > cocoon 3.0 parsing a F1 sport webpage and serve the contents in
> > different formats. If you are interested I can translate the
> > presentation to English (examples and code are in English).
> >
> > Link: https://github.com/jpuerto/barcampes2012-cocoon
> >
> > Working on the presentation I did a proof of concept creating an
> > Apache Tika generator. It's working but needs to enable caching and
> > add the proper test cases and samples. If you are interested, I can
> > finish it and commit changes.
> +1
> It looks very cool :-)

Great, I will try to finish it soon.

> > While I was working with cocoon at work time I started a
> > OptimizerTransformer but I've found that IncludeTransformer is not
> > cacheable so I worked first to get it cacheable (COCOON3-100)
> > The transformer development is just at the beginning but before I
> > continue to work with it I want your opinion. The idea is to use YUI
> > compressor (BSD license) and define a custom language to define the
> > static resources as CSS and JS. The transformer should review the
> > resources, respect the order, compress the files and create optimized
> > resources in a given path (to serve from Apache HTTPD with mod_cache
> > and different domain). As this operation has a high cost, the
> > transformer must control if the resource files changed. Finally, the
> > transformer will place the proper tag with the URL for optimized
> > static resources.
> >
> > WDYT? maybe there's better solutions (I know google HTTPD
> > mod_pagespeed but it's always in beta state). The advantage is that
> > you don't need to define everything at build time, with maven plugin
> > for example so you can organize your static resources like you want
> > (no one big file for all). On the other hand it has a high processor
> > cost, but caching should minimize it.
> This sounds very interesting as well: as you know, I've been working on
> caching issues with XIncludeTransformer as well and I've ended up with a
> temporary solution - mainly because I needed that for a customer of
> mine. Actually, it is proving to be working quite well but your approach
> seems to me largely better in the long term.

> > I didn't had time to work in Apache Cocoon 3.0 caching system since a
> > couple of months ago. Recently, I had to switch the project and ATM
> > I'm not working directly with cocoon. I want to take a closer look to
> > the caching system when I can get some free time (COCOON3-30 and
> > fragment caching), probably at December. Anyway, I will try to help in
> > the mailing list and make some contributions like described above.
> I was actually waiting for COCOON3-30 / COCOON3-100 to take breath for
> cutting a M1 release (I know, we're talking of this since too much
> time...); in C3 timing terms, December is like as tomorrow, hence I'd
> like to support as soon as you'll be able to get back on this.

Maybe we can work on this in the hackaton at 5th November.

> > I hope to see you soon in the ApacheCon,
> Yep, me too: who's coming??? Chance to have a small Cocoon Get Together
> (or just a beer) there?

Yeah!, we can continue discussion in the Thorsten thread.


> Regards.
> --
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> ASF Member, Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member
> http://people.apache.org/~ilgrosso/

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