On 07/12/2012 13:09, Jos Snellings wrote:
In shorthand: What are the implications then?

For users? Just the servlet:context declaration, from

<servlet:context mount-path="" context-path="blockcontext:/cocoon-sample/" />


<servlet:context mount-path="" context-path="jar:classpath:lib/${project.build.finalName}.jar!/COB-INF/"/>

However, in order to be consistent with RCL, you should also add - in the 'dev' profile -

<servlet:context mount-path="" context-path="classpath:/COB-INF/"/>

The provided patch contains the needed changes for archetypes so that new blocks are already created with the new way.

In practice, this patch removes the need of the 'blockcontext:/' protocol that has proven to make unfeasible to deploy two distinct C3 block-enabled webapps in the same container.

As a side note, you can still use the blockcontext:/ protocol, but you'll need to manually add the cocoon-block-deployment dependency. Let's say that this patch puts the blockcontext:/ protocol in a sort of 'deprecated' state.

- "a block context" is addressable within the sitemap
  load resource from another block context is possible via 'classpath'.
  The root of every block is available on the classpath?

Everything should be working in the same way.

- different web applications relying on cocoon3 can deploy blocks with the same name
  they won't interfere with each other?


Francesco Chicchiriccò

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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