Le 11/03/2013 11:12, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit :
On 09/03/2013 12:36, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:
On 08/03/2013 20:28, Cédric Damioli wrote:

I just uploaded the release material at http://people.apache.org/~cdamioli/cocoon/

Before starting a formal vote, could some of you download and test the files (signatures, installation, samples, ...) ?

I'll do this on Monday.

I cannot download almost any file (but some .asc) from the given location: 403 Forbidden
ouuups, sorry
This should be better now.

I saw some broken samples, all related to some external sources (RSS feeds, SOAP servers, ...). I don't know if this may be considered blocker for the release.

I don't think so...

BTW, how could I have write access on the wiki ? Who are administrators ?

A while ago [2] we set up with Infra some security for our wiki: if you want write access you need to be enlisted as contributor in [3]; any PMC member can also be added to [4] thus becoming administrator.

Please tell me your username and I will add it to [3] or [4], as you prefer.


Le 05/03/2013 11:18, Cédric Damioli a écrit :
Hi team,

Oooook, does this mean we can start rolling this long-waited 2.1.12??!?
Cédric, are you ready?

Let's go !

We are now in the process of releasing 2.1.12 in the next few days, so please don't check anything in in the 2.1.x branch.
I'll try to follow [1] as much as possible.

Best regards,

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/CocoonReleaseHowTo
[2] http://old.nabble.com/Re%3A-Spam-on-Cocoon-wiki---Fwd%3A--Cocoon-Wiki--Trivial-Update-of-%22FrontPage%22-by-wikimouse-p33732277.html
[3] http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/ContributorsGroup
[4] http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/AdminGroup

Cédric Damioli
Ametys CMS

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