On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Mohammad Nour El-Din <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All...
>   Recently an EDR JSR#303 has been published on JCP -
>  http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=303 . They intend to make a unified
>  Bean Validation APIs/Framework based on using annotations and XML
>  configuration files, and they define the way how to apply and use
>  validation, and it will be part of the Java Beans model.
>  I am a committer in Apache OpenEJB, and we need such functionality for
>  bean validation through the process of deploying an enterprise java
>  bean - we have a home made validation framework now. And I have a
>  colleague of mine who is working in Apache MyFaces Tomahawk-
>  http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk/index.html - and he is interested
>  in such functionality to apply validation regarding JSF.
>  My colleague and I are very interested in implementing this JSR in
>  Apache Commons Validator, but seems that the project is not active for
>  a while, so I am asking how our changes are going to be applied to
>  Commons Validator. I mean are we going to submit changes in patches
>  and someone will review and commit - but no one is active now to do
>  that. Or I can get a committer access to apply changes and review
>  patches submitted by my colleague. Please advice and help.

Do you have an idea how you want to do this in Commons Validator?
Specifically I'm wondering whether this would be a re-write or whether
you think the exisiting framework could be adapated to JSR 303? My
thinking was that implementing JSR 303 would involved and
brand-new-replacement for the existing framework - Validator2.


>  P.S. I need your reply ASAP to stat planning and coordination with my 
> colleague.

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