Online report :

Build statistics:
 State: Failed
 Previous State: Failed
 Started at: Thu 22 May 2008 23:20:01 -0700
 Finished at: Thu 22 May 2008 23:20:17 -0700
 Total time: 15s
 Build Trigger: Schedule
 Build Number: 0
 Exit code: 1
 Building machine hostname:
 Operating system : Linux(unknown)
Java Home version : java version "1.5.0_12"
         Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_12-b04)
         Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_12-b04, mixed mode, sharing)
Builder version :
         Maven version: 2.0.7
         Java version: 1.5.0_12
         OS name: "linux" version: "2.6.20-16-server" arch: "i386"
SCM Changes:
Changed: niallp @ Thu 22 May 2008 23:10:00 -0700
Comment: COMMONSSITE-30 - fix the checkstyle configuration to work for multi-module 
and review/update <reporting> plugin version numbers for the poms being changed.
- pom's need to use ${basedir} for configuration files as the multi-module 
profile is run from commons-parent, so if not specified it can't find those 
- the checkstyle configuration file needs to use ${checkstyle.header.file} for the 
headerFile property and  <headerFile> element added to the plugin config in the 
- fix m1 checkstyle config to reflect the above where appropriate (specify 
header file property)
Files changed:
 /commons/proper/beanutils/trunk/checkstyle.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/beanutils/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/beanutils/trunk/ ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/cli/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/codec/trunk/checkstyle.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/codec/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/codec/trunk/ ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/dbcp/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/dbutils/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/digester/trunk/checkstyle.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/digester/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/digester/trunk/ ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/discovery/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/email/trunk/conf/checkstyle.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/email/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/fileupload/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/fileupload/trunk/ ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/fileupload/trunk/src/checkstyle/fileupload_checks.xml ( 659438 
 /commons/proper/io/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/jexl/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/logging/trunk/checkstyle.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/logging/trunk/license-header.txt ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/logging/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/logging/trunk/ ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/logging/trunk/project.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/math/trunk/checkstyle.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/math/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/math/trunk/ ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/primitives/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/proxy/trunk/checkstyle.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/proxy/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/scxml/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/scxml/trunk/scxml-checks.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/validator/trunk/checkstyle.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/validator/trunk/pom.xml ( 659438 )
 /commons/proper/validator/trunk/ ( 659438 )

Dependencies Changes:
No dependencies changed

Build Defintion:
POM filename: pom.xml
Goals: clean deploy Arguments: --batch-mode -DaltDeploymentRepository=vmbuild.repo::default::file://localhost/home/continuum/data/commons -Pci
Build Fresh: false
Always Build: false
Default Build Definition: true
Profile Name: Java 5
Test Summary:
Tests: 11
Failures: 1
Total time: 0.172

Test Failures:

   testFindResources :
 junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: located 0 resources, failed to locate 
all 3 resources: testResource

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