On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Siegfried Goeschl
> Hi Niall,
> I only have the same response I wrote six months ago ... :-)
> +) I can't make any promises but commons-exec is small enough to be
> maintained in the small hours when the family is asleep
> +) I'm not expecting a huge user base - it's too late for that since many
> in-house libraries are already used
> +) I'm not expecting many bugs because the original ANT while not perfect is
> still a solid foundation
> +) I think that one or two commons developers will use the code and might
> provide additional support if needed

Not sure whether this thread is a vote or not - but +1 from me to
promoting exec out of the sandbox to *proper*


> And I still think that commons-exec is a valuable addition to commons proper
> because it is hard to write such a component running on various OS/JVM
> installations ...
> Cheers,
> Siegfried Goeschl
> Niall Pemberton wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Siegfried Goeschl
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> according to http://wiki.apache.org/commons/MovingFromSandboxToProperSVN
>>> there needs to be an official proposal - any blockers from moving
>>> commons-exec to commons proper?!
>>> The current state of the commons-exec
>>> (http://commons.apache.org/sandbox/exec/)
>>> +) I made my first bug fix in April 2007 after finding out that I have
>>> the
>>> karma to mess up the project ... :-)
>>> +) I officially took over the code in November 2007
>>> +) I went through all the open JIRAs and fixed them including regression
>>> tests
>>> +) I cleaned up the code and javadocs
>>> +) removed commons-logging dependency
>>> +) added a few more features plus regression tests
>>> +) with the help of the commons community commons-exec was tested on
>>> various
>>> platforms and JVMs (see
>>> http://commons.apache.org/sandbox/exec/testmatrix.html)
>>> +) I was promoted to commons committer in April 2008
>>> +) there was some interest in getting/using commons-exec from the user
>>> community
>>> +) I use commons-exec in production for more than on year
>>> The not so good things
>>> +) unfortunately we have no coverage on Solaris and broken tests on
>>> OpenVMS
>>> - the missing Solaris coverage is IMO critical
>>> +) I am the one and only person actively maintaining the code
>> It sounds like exec is pretty much ready to start thinking about a
>> release? If thats the case then we should be promoting it (if not then
>> theres not much point in moving out of the Sandbox IMO).
>> We have other components with only one active person so IMO its not a
>> blocker. For me I would hope there is an intention on your part to
>> stick around and support it - I'm not looking for any kind of promise,
>> since none of us know what the future holds and were all volunteers
>> that can disappear at any time - but I would be happier (voting to
>> promote) if I knew the intention was there.
>> Niall
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Siegfried Goeschl
>>> PS: I just uploaded the website but it will take a while to be available
>>> ....
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