On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:53 PM, Matt Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Emmanuel Bourg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That looks interesting, this kind of structure can
> > still be found today
> > in ar and cpio archives used for deb and rpm
> > packages. I also used this
> > style of file in inter bank communications a few
> > years ago.
> >
> > That would be awesome if the component was able to
> > operate on binary
> > files too, you would define the structure in a DSL
> > like language and map
> > it to your beans. Just dreaming :)
> Actually, there's not much reason it couldn't support
> binary files.  The method signatures are defined in
> terms of bytes rather than chars, and unicode is
> supported in the DSL's string literals (I'm aware that
> the DSL stuff badly needs i18n support).  It's
> possible that "Flatfile" doesn't capture the potential
> as well as some other name might.  :|

That would be great. I even had to write parsers for fiiles in which binary
data and textual data are mixed. This happened several times
i worked with MQSeries. I think the API should support fixed lenght data
Maybe there could be some implementation for a lenght field definition.
With that I mean a field of 4 ints, telling you how often a structure of xy
is repeating and so on.


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