On 2009-03-26, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This should make sure that CPIO classes work like all the other classes.


I've moved the finish() call in close() inside the !closed branch
since otherwise finish's ensureOpen would cause trouble for repeated
calls to close (that the old code handled gracefully).

Also I've moved the closeArchiveEntry method up to get a smaller diff.

The tests didn't pass for me on Windows because of line-end
differences (I guess), I've modified them to work for me and hopefully
work on a system with a single character EOL, but I don't have such a
system to confirm it right now.

Could you please run the tests and close the issue after that?

I intended to fix whitespace in CpioTestCase as a separate commit, but
I saved the file while svn commit was running and it picked up my
changes before I wanted it to (network isn't that fast at AC right



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