The Commons DbUtils team is pleased to announce the commons-dbutils-1.2 release!

DbUtils is a package of Java utility classes for easing JDBC development.

Source and binary distributions are available for download from the Apache Commons download site:

When downloading, please verify signatures using the KEYS file available at the above location when downloading the release.

For more information on Apache Commons DbUtils, visit the Commons DbUtils home page:

Changes in this version include:

Compatibility warnings:

o API change in QueryRunner: the setDataSource method was removed in order
to fix a thread-safety bug (DBUTILS-52)
o We upgraded the JVM dependency from JDK 1.3 to JDK 1.4 (DBUTILS-31)
o Users who may have extended BeanListHandler.handleRow will find that
this method no longer exists (is no longer called) in DbUtils 1.2
o Users who may have extended KeyedHandler will find that its protected
members are now final (to guarantee thread safety). (DBUTILS-51)

Fixed Bugs:
o fillStatement setNull bug with the Postgres/Derby JDBC driver (and others) Issue: DBUTILS-31. o NullPointerException occured at rethrow method Issue: DBUTILS-40. o Add serialVersionUID to BasicRowProcessor.CaseInsensitiveHashMap Issue: DBUTILS-36.

o Removed setDataSource method to guarantee thread safety Issue: DBUTILS-52. o Made numerous private instance members final to guarantee thread safety; changed protected member of KeyedHandler to final Issue: DBUTILS-51. o Support bean property to SQL IN parameter mapping Issue: DBUTILS-29. o Make GenericListHandler (now AbstractListHandler) public Issue: DBUTILS-33. o BasicRowProcessor loses any information on database field case Issue: DBUTILS-34. o BeanListHandler#handle(ResultSet) is not optimal Issue: DBUTILS-37. o Object with Long or Decimal got initial zero value while database field is null Issue: DBUTILS-42. o example documentation page, update query Issue: DBUTILS-38.

o Remove old Maven1/Ant build scripts

Have fun!
-Commons DbUtils team

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