Dear Apache Commons (Math),

This e-mail is regarding a new program utilizing Apache Commons Math
library for the Google Android platform [0]. Basically, I'm asking for
help with either of the following: beta-test, co-development, and
licensing issues.

I've made a beta version of a program for the Android platform. So far
it's called ACE - Android Computational Environment.

It is a program to perform calculations when you're on the run, i.e.
not near an ordinary workstation. I hope that it's going to be like a
"R Express" sort of application, although that is a lot to aim for.
It's definitely not meant as a replacement or anything near R. But
it's meant as an option when e.g. R is not available.

The application consists of a programming language (ACL), interpreter,
and - tada - Apache Commons Math library :-). And a GUI.

The scheduled functionality with highest priority is basic linear
algebra (matrix multiplication, eigen values, etc.) and statistics
(quantiles, probabilities etc.). The aim in the long run is to
implement all the functionality of Apache Commons Math library, and
hopefully extend the library (e.g. with principal component analysis).

The application is writtin in Java. I've used ANTLR3 [2] to make the
lexer and parser. And, as mentioned, the math library is so far Apache
Commons Math [3].

As said in the introduction, I'm writing to ask if anybody wants to
join and help me? First of all I have to be sure of some licensing
questions and all that stuff. Also, beta-testers and developers would
be appreciated.

The application is not on the Android Market yet because it's not
ready for that yet. But I have a working demo with some functions

I've never participated in any open source projects before, so sorry
if I've done anything wrong. And please correct me, if I have. This
might also result in some stupid questions once in a while, but
hopefully not too often :-).

I'm from Denmark and have a bachelors degree in math and computer
science, and are not studying for a masters in statistics. From July
until December I'm in Australia on exchange.

Please feel free to comment! I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Mikkel Meyer Andersen


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