
I've discovered a few other potential issues with the external communications module of the SCXML specification, but I'm wondering if the Apache Commons mailing list is actually the best forum to discuss them. A more appropriate forum might be one that deals specifically with the specification, as opposed to the Apache Commons SCXML implementation, and is open to anyone. As a model, I have in mind the W3C SVG Interest Group <http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/IG/wiki/Main_Page>.

Please let me know if something like this exists. If not, I'll post my questions here. Thanks,


On 10-07-23 05:51 PM, Rahul Akolkar wrote:
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Jacob Beard<jbea...@cs.mcgill.ca>  wrote:

I'm currently working on developing support for the External Communications
module of the SCXML specification for scxml-js, and I'm a bit confused about
Appendix H Basic HTTP Event I/O Processor
<http://www.w3.org/TR/scxml/#BasicHTTPEventProcessor>. It seems like there
may be a contradiction between H.2 Receiving Events, and H.3 Sending Events.

My interpretation of H.2 is as follows:

  1. The entire SCXML message would go in _content parameter of the
     HTTP POST data.
  2. Other parameters in the HTTP POST are platform specific.

Whereas H.3 seems to say that:

  1. Each individual variable name in the namelist attribute on the
     send element, or each individual param child, would be assigned
     its own HTTP POST parameter.
  2. The HTTP POST parameter "_content" would only be used if the
     <content>  element is present in the send.

So, to use G.1, Example 1 as an example, my understanding of H.2 would seem
to imply that the following would be body of the POST from the sender
(although it would need to be url-encoded):

_content=<scxml:message xmlns:scxml="http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml";
       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml scxml-message.xsd"
       target="http://scxml-processors.example.com/session2"; type="scxml"
       sendid="send-123" name="email.send">
<scxml:property name="email">mailto:recipi...@example.com</scxml:property>
<scxml:property name="xmlcontent">
<scxml:hint>Email headers</scxml:hint>
<headers xmlns="http://www.example.com/headers";>
<subject>Example email</subject>

Whereas H.3 would seem to imply that the following would be in the body of
the POST:

xmlcontent=<headers xmlns="http://www.example.com/headers";>
<subject>Example email</subject>

It's not clear to me where the rest of the SCXML message would go in H.3

I'd appreciate it if you could please let me know which of these is the
correct interpretation. Thanks,

That Appendix needs to be improved, I will bring this up with the Working Group.

IMO, the H.2 variant above is complete and aligns with the SCXML I/O
message schema so if you have the associated bits already implemented
to generate and parse those messages you could reuse for the Basic
HTTP I/O processor (as in H.2) until we get a clarification response.



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