First, Paul, nice presentation at ApacheCon =)

I came up after the discussion to mention a feature I added to my pool
implementation, wanted to record this here and get community thoughts.

What I have done for a customer (non-releasable, but I can re-implement much
cleaner) was essentially enable the pool to "track" its maintenance
operations over a 24-hour period (starting at 0000) to better "predict"
configuration changes that needed to take place.  This was helpful in our
dev-to-production deployments for configuration "burn-in"...we could have
guessed what the config for the pool should be...but this helped get it
right quickly.  We kept it running (intentionally) and detected trends over
the first week.  We then turned this feature off (via JMX) and pool could
then adjust itself based on it's learned data.  Admittedly, this was a
"crude" implementation that was used to improve performance due to our
predictable spikes....there is a lot more that could be done.

First question:  is this coming the community would like?

Second:  If it is desired, I implemented this by re-implementing the
evictor...Paul suggested this might also be a good fit for an "outside"
implementation (I can see this, as well)

Finally:  What features would you like to see?



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