
I'm having a problem in my scxml project :

    <state id="STATE_START">
            <send target="test" targettype="'x-csta'" xmlns:csta="
                <EVENT TARGET="test"  TAG="EVENT_HELLO">
                                my data
        <transition event="EVENT_TEST" target="STATE_1" cond="_eventdata.DATA1
eq 'ok'"/>
        <transition event="EVENT_START" target="STATE_START" />

the send tag is recuperate properly by the the eventdispatcher ( I need what
is inside the send tag) , but I can't manage to change state into the
And If I remove the all <send >... </send> tag , the transition is working,
I manage to change state into the STATE_1.

So what is wrong? I'm using JexlEvaluator and JexlContext for my engine.

Thanks in advance for the help !!!

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