On 18 May 2011 17:58, Matt Benson <gudnabr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Stephen Colebourne
> <scolebou...@joda.org> wrote:
>> This issue about what immutable means wrt "final" on the class has
>> bounced around a few threads.
>> In my view, immutable has a specific meaning, whereby the object is
>> unequivically safe to use and share between threads. To do so, there
>> are certain rules. One that is disputed is whether the class must be
>> final. eg. http://www.javapractices.com/topic/TopicAction.do?Id=29
>> Josh Bloch in Effective Java recommends using final on the class where
>> possible, but offers the alternative of a private or package scoped
>> constructor with a public static factory. He does not recommend a
>> public constructor (even when accompanied by defining all the methods
>> as final).
>> The issue arises with a method that takes an ImmutableFoo as an
>> argument where ImmutableFoo is supposed to be "immutable".
>>  public void doStuff(ImmutableFoo foo) {...}
>> This author of this method might pass the object to another thread for
>> processing following the expectation that the class is immutable (from
>> the class name and/or Javadoc).
>> But, someone could pass in the following class to that method:
>>  public EvilFoo extends ImmutableFoo {
>>    public StringBuilder buf;
>>    public EvilFoo(StringBuilder buf) {
>>      this.buf = buf;
>>    }
>>  }
>> The user can now access EvilFoo in multiple threads at the same time.
>> This problem afflicts BigDecimal and BigInteger. The only way to
>> safely use those classes (wrt threading) is to write the following:
>>  public void processNumber(BigDecimal bd) {
>>    if (bd.getClass() != BigDecimal.class) {
>>      bd = new BigDecimal(bd.toString());  // or some other conversion 
>> technique
>>    }
>>    ....
>>  }
>> Most users do not do this, so their usage of BigDecimal is not
>> actually thread-safe (or safe against a clever hack).
>> Given all the above, we in Commons and [lang] should take the lead,
>> and only declare something as "immutable" if it really is - which
>> generally means final fields and final class.
> I generally agree that this makes sense.  Our ImmutablePair is part of
> the way there in that its left/right _fields_ are final, assigned from
> the single constructor offered.  The only danger points I can
> currently see are the implementations of
> getLeft()/getRight()/setValue().  Now, AIUI, Gary's interest in
> extending ImmutablePair is overriding stuff like toString().  Can we
> satisfy everyone by making these methods final, such that an
> ImmutablePair will behave as Stephen recommends, while permitting
> subclasses to perform unrelated operations?

See the EvilFoo example above. Any ability to subclass, even with safe
methods, means its not completely thread-safe.


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