For components that use Nexus, it's trivial to use mvn deploy on a
SNAPSHOT release.

This can be useful for developers to check that a patch solves their problem.

However, snapshots should not be advertised to the general user
public, so should never be referenced from download pages, nor on the
user list.

But AFAIK it would be OK to mention the snapshot on the JIRA issue.

There are also some projects that use the CI servers to upload
snapshots. Not sure how that is done.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Luc Maisonobe <>
Date: 15 June 2011 08:40
Subject: Re: [Math] download development snapshot
To: Commons Users List <>

Le 15/06/2011 09:12, Dennis Hendriks a écrit :
> Hi all,

Hi Dennis,

> Since I'd like to use trunk (version 3.0, in development) of Apache
> Commons Math, I was wondering if there is a way to download an already
> built version of it. I found the build server at
> Is there any way to get the jars (binaries, sources, javadoc) that were
> build by the build server, similar to the ones released for version 2.2?

No, as far as I know, the build server is only used for continuous
integration. Once the tests have been run and potential failure have
been reported, I think the built jars are dropped.

There are no official Apache supported builds for unreleased version.
The release process which involve a vote by the community is the
milestone that allow publishing. Before that, there can only be
unsupported, unofficial snapshot build. We don't do them really often
and in fact prefer that people who really want the development version
built it by themselves and rely on the subversion tree directly.

One should be aware that the development version is really that: a
*development* version. Things change quite often. These versions
therefore have some advantages (fixed bugs, new features, performances
improvements ...) but also some drawbacks (things appear, disappear,
change name, change API at a fast pace). So they are not suited to
everyone and publishing pre-built binaries would create a false
feeling of stability to most users.

What would you need a development snapshot for ? Could you use the
subversion repository (or the git mirror) instead ?


> Thanks,
> Dennis
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