Votes to accept BCEL (1 and 1a) pass with 12 +1 votes and 1 -1 vote:

+1: luc, oheger, simonetripodi, sebb, ggregory, grobmeier, rgoers,
mbenson, bayard, joehni, bodewig, psteitz
-1: jochen (concern about activity, sufficiently addressed IMO)

Votes to accept JCS (2, 2a, 2b and 2c) pass with 13 +1 votes from:

luc, oheger, simonetripodi, sebb, ggregory, grobmeier, rgoers,
mbenson, bayard, joehni, jochen, bodewig, psteitz

Thanks to everyone who voted.

Next steps:
 * psteitz: commons += {dbrosius, asmuts, tv, seade} please.
 * once above folks have karma, will move the repos and sites (w/
redirects from j.a.o).


On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 12:48 AM, Rahul Akolkar <> wrote:
> This is half a dozen related votes in one thread (for convenience), namely:
> 1. Accept BCEL [1] as Commons component
> 1a. Grant Commons karma to Dave Brosius (dbrosius)
> 2. Accept JCS [2] as Commons component
> 2a. Grant Commons karma to Aaron Smuts (asmuts)
> 2b. Grant Commons karma to Thomas Vandahl (tv)
> 2c. Grant Commons karma to Scott Eade (seade)
> -----------------------------------------
> [  ] +1 to all above
> [  ] +/- 0
> [  ] -1, which ones and why ...
> ------------------------------------------
> You may ofcourse vote on each separately if necessary.
> Vote will minimally stay open for 72 hours. Thanks.
> -Rahul
> [1]
> [2]

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