On 2011-08-10, Henri Yandell wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Ceki Gulcu <c...@qos.ch> wrote:

>> * On the ASF model

>> In a nutshell, while the ASF is a great organization in many ways, it
>> is not a meritocracy mainly because merit is not measured at all and
>> at the project level no responsiblity is accrued on merit beyond
>> committership. BTW, the BDFL model is not a meritocracy
>> either. Finding a good model for running organisations is no simple
>> matter. The Apache model may even be better than some but it bothers
>> me that the ASF misrepresents itself as a meritocracy.

> Yup.

> Damn... should probably say more.

+1 to all you've said (including the stuff I snipped).

> It does worry me, the balance between innovation and stability (rules
> for revs), and the interaction of lots of skilled people. On the
> latter the meme is "Go to ApacheCon". Meet someone face to face and
> much of the irritation that can build up fades away.

> Looking forward to meeting many of you at ApacheCon Vancouver :)

Or any of the smaller opportunities that pop up every now and then.  For
those of us in Europe who won't make it to Vancouver the next one seems
to be Amsterdam in October:



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