Inline for all items.

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 1:21 AM, sebb <> wrote:
> On 15 September 2011 07:55, Henri Yandell <> wrote:
>> RC1 is available here:
> Sigs and hashes OK, source agrees with svn tag. Builds and tests OK on
> Java 1.5 and 1.6.
> However, the directory name in the source archive is
> commons-dbutils-1.3-src
> I think that's a blocker.
> IMO, Release notes should be included in the archives; it's easy
> enough to generate a text copy from changes.xml and commit to SVN just
> before release:
> mvn changes:changes-report changes:announcement-generate
> and then move target/announcement/announcement.vm to RN.


> The VFS pom has a relnotes profile which automatically creates the RN
> in situ, and also uses a more sophisticated VM source
> The NET project includes a generic VM source release-notes.vm which is
> also in MATH (probably should add relnotes profile to commons parent)
> Also, it's useful to include the javadocs in the binary archive.
> Looks like the assembly phase failed because bin.xml includes the javadocs
>> SVN:
> pom.xml says:
> <commons.release.version>1.3</commons.release.version>
> <commons.rc.version>RC4</commons.rc.version>
> which is incorrect.
> Blocker because it probably caused the incorrect source archive.
> BTW, it would be easier to notice such things if the properties were
> defined near the start of the pom ...

Or if they weren't there at all :(

Having a post release-build check to make sure archives start with the
archive name would catch it. As would (often) a grep for SNAPSHOT
before build. As I script all this that's pretty easy to add.

>> Maven artifacts:
> The binary jar in the bundle does not appear to be the same as the one
> in the binary archive.


I run mvn install, then bundle up the local maven repo. I'll
investigate what happened here - maybe the line to remove the maven
repo failed.

Another check I can add.

>> Website:
> No TM on logo.
> DbUtils should be used as adjective in first mention on front page.

Existing issues, no need to fix before release.

> First license link points to local license page; either point to
> or drop the link as it is included
> under Commons heading; in any case, delete the local license page.

Same again, though I'll aim to remove it.

Thanks for the review :)


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