Le 05/10/2011 18:02, Gilles Sadowski a écrit :
On Wed, Oct 05, 2011 at 10:18:19AM -0500, Greg Sterijevski wrote:
Hi Gilles,

There are currently [at least] two qr decompositions in existence in cm.
There is QRDecomposition in package linear and there is embedded in
LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer the guts of a pivoting QR decomposition. So
adding a PivotingQRDecomposition class in linear would initially push that
to 3 implementations. Here are a couple of scenarios:

1. Eliminate QRDecomposition from linear. Eliminate LevenbergMarquardt's
embed qr decompositon and have the PivotingQRDecomposition become the de
jure standard.

2. Eliminate just QRDecomposition, not touching Marquardt-Levenberg. (Don't
play with something that works)

3. Keep all three until the next major release, marking QRDecomposition (the
class) as deprecated.

4. Implement the best algorithm as "QRDecomposition" in ("linear"), and
    remove duplicate code ("LevenbergMarquardt" will call the implementation
    in "linear"; if replacing the LM currently internal version makes some
    test fail, we should worry and look for the bug either in LM or in the
    new QR or in the tests).

I'm not sure one implementation only is always feasible. The one I put in Levenberg-Marquardt is perhaps more suited to some cases because of pivoting, but I'm quite sure it is not as efficient as the classical one which is really fast (I always used it as an example in conferences to show that Java can be as fast as fortran in some application, because it is as fast as lapack with ATLAS blas on matrices up to about 1000 rows and columns).




On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Gilles Sadowski<
gil...@harfang.homelinux.org>  wrote:

On Wed, Oct 05, 2011 at 08:46:55AM -0500, Greg Sterijevski wrote:
Hi Gilles,

The class passes all current tests for QRDecomposition. Are you
suggesting I
rip out the QRDecomposition from OLSMultipleRegression...etc and then
sure there are no test failures? Or are you suggestion a new set of

None of the above, I guess (IIUC).
I'm just saying that if "QR decomposition" is a well defined concept, it
should be implemented in the class "QRDecomposition" in package "linear",
and classes that need the functionality should "import" it from there.
there should not be duplicate code (which from what I read in this thread,
seems to exist in "OLSMultipleRegression" and



On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 5:16 AM, Gilles Sadowski<
gil...@harfang.homelinux.org>  wrote:


A while back I was interested in being able to do pivoting qr
decomposition. I noticed that Chris Nix submitted a patch, but he
that he had more work to do (testing and filling in functionality).
discussion around this, Luc suggested that I look at the QR
decomposition in
Levenberg-Marquardt. I did just that a few days ago. The code was
and nicely written (kudos to Luc). So, I copied the routine and
made a
PivotingQRDecomposition class. The class is intended as a "drop in
replacement" for QRDecomposition. I also copied the QRSolverTest
QRDecompositionTest. With the exception of testUnderdetermined in
test and testAEqualQR in QRDecompositionTest, the tests are
all pass!). With testUndertermined, the "zeroed" rows of the
are interspersed throughout the matrix (because of pivoting). So I
the test to count all the rows that have zero norms, and check that
the correct number. In testAEqualQR, I added a multiplication by
permutation matrix.

What is the best way to proceed? I don't want to trounce the
Chris made, but it looks like Chris has more sophisticated classes
I don't see this proposed change competing with his. Does it make
bring back QRDecomposition interface (sorry Sebastien)? We can then
both implementations until we are satisfied the pivoting one works.

Please do the required testing. Only the "current best" implementation
should remain.


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