I've recently switched to Commons Math, and I'm quite happy with it, but I found the following a little weird.

RealMatrix has some very odd deprecations. In particular inverse(), getDeterminant() and isSingular(). The last has the message:

> Deprecated. as of release 2.0, replaced by the boolean negation of new LUDecompositionImpl(m).getSolver().isNonSingular()

Surely, that's an implementation, not an interface. The whole point of having an interface is that a) I can query whether a matrix is singular withou having to know about LUDecompositions b) You guys can change the implementation of isSingular() if something better pops up without us guys having to change our code.

I'm not using these methods now, because they're deprecated, but I've basically recreated them as static methods in a utility class. Wouldn't it be much better to just put code from the deprecation message into the method and remove the deprecation?


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