Thank you for the documentation. There is admittedly a lack of documentation currently for [modeler], and every bit helps. I'm more used to seeing using metadata to load the MBeans in [modeler] (like Tomcat does, and Jetty at least used to do, since haven't looked at Jetty in awhile). But I can see the use case for your example. However, to answer one of your questions, the wiki is open to anyone that doesn't abuse/spam it.

Of course, you cannot currently commit to svn. The best path is to open a Jira issue and attach the examples there. I'm the last even semi-active [modeler] developer according to the website, since it never really gained a community. But would consider adding an examples section if it helps actually create a community. Of course, SImo or others could pick up the patch and add it if they wanted to as well.

-----Original Message----- From: Liviu Tudor
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 7:02 AM
To: Commons Developers List
Subject: Commons Modeler

Hi everyone, apologies for the email but I spoke earlier on with Simo, who
encouraged me to use the dev ML a bit more ‹ hence this email :)
In brief, recently I had worked on a project where I found myself using (for
the first time, truth being told) the Commons Modeler. Since there was
hardly any documentation on this project at the time, I put together a post
on my blog on the way I used this component. It then occurred to me that it
makes sense to have this on the Modeler wiki page as well ‹ so those of you
who are watching the Modeler wiki would have seen my recent changes on, where I included the link to my
original post (in the "External Resources" section). I then went on and
copied and adapted the content of the original post in a page on its own at ‹ which is also
referenced from the main Modeler wiki page as well.
Am I right now in assuming the guys @ Modeler will manage/accept/reject my
changes and decide whether we need the link to my post as well as the page I
created? Or do I have to signal this on this list and find out opinions on
this ‹ and then go and execute these myself?
The other thing as well, in my wiki page, I had included the full listing of
the code ‹ is there a way I can maybe commit the sources to SVN so people
can download these and also maybe we can reference these in the wiki page? I
personally find it much easier to download a source file and view it in my
Eclipse rather than traversing the code on a web page ‹ maybe that's just me
Apologies for the so many questions in a single email!


Liviu Tudor

E: <>
M: +44 (0)7917696626
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Skype: liviutudor

I'm nobody, nobody's perfect -- therefore I'm perfect!

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