Emanuele Lombardi, a former colleague of mine, simply did

-    public static <V extends Vertex, W, WE extends WeightedEdge<W>, G
extends Graph<V, WE>> SpanningTreeSourceSelector<V, W, WE, G>
minimumSpanningTree( G graph )
+    public static <V extends Vertex, WE extends WeightedEdge<W>, W, G
extends Graph<V, WE>> SpanningTreeSourceSelector<V, W, WE, G>
minimumSpanningTree( G graph )

and it makes it working!!!!
Isn't that cool?
All the best!

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Simone Tripodi
<> wrote:
> Terrific feedbacks - like always! - Matt, thanks a lot, very appreciated!!!
> We do - at least, I - love you! :D
>> on.  I can only surmise that the Oracle (?) compiler may take the
>> subsequent method calls into account when trying to infer type
>> parameters from arguments, perhaps.
> I am using the Apple's JDK:
> Apache Maven 3.0.4 (r1232337; 2012-01-17 09:44:56+0100)
> Maven home: /Applications/apache-maven-3.0.4
> Java version: 1.6.0_29, vendor: Apple Inc.
> Java home: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: MacRoman
> OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.7.2", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
>> however one thing that springs to mind is to take the
>> CommonsGraph fluent APIs and move them to some typed interface, then
>> have each level of the interface hierarchy define a public static
>> final instance of this fluent interface that knows how to behave
>> appropriately for that type...?  Not sure if this would work properly
>> in practice, but the best idea I'm likely to come up with.
> this is what I tried to do indeed, CommonsGraph#findMaxFlow returns an
> interface where generic types are inferred depending on the graph
> input.
> Thanks *a lot* for your kind help, always much more than appreciated!!!
> -Simo
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Matt Benson <> wrote:
>> Whew... I hope you guys love me.  :P  I decided to take a look just
>> because I've had to play with Eclipse before on issues like this.
>> What I typically find is that Eclipse has a sane reason for
>> complaining where it does.  This time I *really* thought Eclipse was
>> wrong... but check this out:
>> In the FordFulkersonTestCase, if you break this down statement by
>> statement, what Eclipse is complaining about is "findMaxFlow(graph);".
>>  Now, if you use Eclipse's 'Assign to local variable' quick assist,
>> you find that it creates a variable of type:
>> FromHeadBuilder<BaseLabeledVertex, Object,
>> BaseLabeledWeightedEdge<Integer>,
>> DirectedMutableWeightedGraph<BaseLabeledVertex,
>> BaseLabeledWeightedEdge<Integer>, Integer>>
>> Note that it has calculated the W type parameter to be Object.
>> I am reasonably sure that the reason for this is that
>> CommonsGraph.findMaxFlow's <G> type parameter is declared as "G
>> extends DirectedGraph<V, WE>".  Thus the fact that our
>> DirectedMutableWeightedGraph 'graph' has its W type parameter assigned
>> as Integer is completely irrelevant as far as #findMaxFlow() is
>> concerned.  There is no way for the compiler to infer that
>> #findMaxFlow<W> should be Integer in the context of the fully chained
>> call.  By contrast, simply changing Object to Integer in the signature
>> of Eclipse's generated local variable gives the compiler enough to go
>> on.  I can only surmise that the Oracle (?) compiler may take the
>> subsequent method calls into account when trying to infer type
>> parameters from arguments, perhaps.
>> So that's my diagnosis.  How to cope with it while retaining fluency
>> is another story.  I'm not familiar enough with the domain or the API
>> to be able to make any recommendation that would probably be terribly
>> useful; however one thing that springs to mind is to take the
>> CommonsGraph fluent APIs and move them to some typed interface, then
>> have each level of the interface hierarchy define a public static
>> final instance of this fluent interface that knows how to behave
>> appropriately for that type...?  Not sure if this would work properly
>> in practice, but the best idea I'm likely to come up with.
>> HTH,
>> Matt
>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 8:42 AM, Simone Tripodi
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Claudio!!!
>>> thanks for reporting, I have indeed the same issue - even if I thought
>>> was just an Eclipse bug!
>>> I honestly don't know how to fix the problem, I hope someone in the ML
>>> can provide a solution as well - same behavior met in IntelliJ!!!
>>> All the best,
>>> -Simo
>>> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Claudio Squarcella
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> P.S. for completeness:
>>>> Eclipse version: Indigo Service Release 1
>>>> Build id: 20110916-0149
>>>> OS: Mac OS X Lion
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Claudio
>>>> On 26/01/2012 15:30, Claudio Squarcella wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I am experiencing a rather annoying issue with the latest version of
>>>>> commons-graph on Eclipse. Compiling with javac (maven, command line) it
>>>>> works fine, but the editor still complains: e.g. line 72 of the new
>>>>> FordFulkersonTestCase[1] gives a list of errors[2].
>>>>> Now, I know from googling that Eclipse is not new to strange behavior, but
>>>>> I wanted to know if anyone on the ML has a nice answer, solution or
>>>>> workaround (other than standard answers like "use another IDE"), or at 
>>>>> least
>>>>> experiences the same issue with the code.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Claudio
>>>>> ---
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2] Multiple markers at this line
>>>>>    - Bound mismatch: The generic method applyingFordFulkerson(OM) of type
>>>>> MaxFlowAlgorithmSelector<V,W,WE,G> is not applicable for the arguments
>>>>> (IntegerWeight). The
>>>>>     inferred type IntegerWeight is not a valid substitute for the bounded
>>>>> parameter <OM extends OrderedMonoid<Object>>
>>>>>    - Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Integer
>>>>>    - Bound mismatch: The generic method findMaxFlow(G) of type
>>>>> CommonsGraph<V,E,G> is not applicable for the arguments
>>>>> (DirectedMutableWeightedGraph<BaseLabeledVertex,BaseLabeledWeightedEdge<Integer>,Integer>).
>>>>> The inferred type BaseLabeledWeightedEdge<Integer> is not a valid 
>>>>> substitute
>>>>>     for the bounded parameter <WE extends WeightedEdge<W>>
>>>> --
>>>> Claudio Squarcella
>>>> PhD student at Roma Tre University
>>>> E-mail address:
>>>> Phone: +39-06-57333215
>>>> Fax: +39-06-57333612
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