On 29 February 2012 00:09, Gilles Sadowski <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:
>> >> [...]
>> >>
>> >> > I think that this, indeed, did not test the use of the encrypted 
>> >> > password
>> >> > for login.
>> >>
>> >> To test the login encryption, I suggest you try deploying a snapshot
>> >> release instead (e.g. install from trunk, which should remain a
>> >> snapshot).
>> >
>> > This command
>> >
>> >  $ mvn clean deploy -Prelease -Dgpg.skip
>> >
>> > worked. A.o. it uploaded this file:
>> >  https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/apache/commons/commons-math3/3.0-SNAPSHOT/commons-math3-3.0-20120228.1019
>> OK, so the login password encryption is working.
>> AIUI one should not use -Prelease with snapshots as they are not releases.
>> The release profile is intended for staging of release artifacts, and
>> as such includes signing.
> I took the command from this document:
>  http://wiki.apache.org/commons/UsingNexus
>> The next stage is to get the signing key working.
>> I suggest you revert temporarily to a plain text password, and check
>> you can sign locally, e.g.
>> mvn package gpg:sign -DskipTests
>> Then try encrypting the password again.
> With
>  <gpg.passphrase>Pass phrase in clear text</gpg.passphrase>
> it works; whereas with
>  <gpg.passphrase>{dwQBDCzUlr8Hb4JOieNAAhzWzTT0Gnmy5yOayp6W4CpbnGsVQrii/bcwDRjwYx9U}</gpg.passphrase>
> it doesn't.

Just re-checked, and it seems that Maven only supports password
encryption for *server* passwords.

Sorry, thought Maven supported encryption elsewhere in settings.xml too.

> Gilles
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