
I compared the performance of Commons CSV with the other CSV parsers available. I took the world cities file from Maxmind as a test file [1], it's a big file of 130M with 2.8 million records.

Here are the results obtained on a Core 2 Duo E8400 after several iterations to let the JIT compiler kick in:

Direct read      750 ms
Java CSV        3328 ms
Super CSV       3562 ms  (+7%)
OpenCSV         3609 ms  (+8.4%)
GenJava CSV     3844 ms  (+15.5%)
Commons CSV     4656 ms  (+39.9%)
Skife CSV       4813 ms  (+44.6%)

I also tried Nuiton CSV and Esperio CSV but I couldn't figure how to use them.

I haven't analyzed why Commons CSV is slower yet, but it seems there is room for improvements. The memory usage will have to be compared too, I'm looking for a way to measure it.

Emmanuel Bourg

[1] http://www.maxmind.com/download/worldcities/worldcitiespop.txt.gz

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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