good stuff.

I'd like to go on and do the following:

in ./trunk add the following new directories

tck -> our mass tests, etc which we can use for common testing, performance 
measurements, etc

api -> the part a user interacts with
impl-bcel -> move Chas' work to
impl-xbf -> move branches/commons-finder to


----- Original Message -----
> From: David Blevins <>
> To: Commons Developers List <>;
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 7:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [classscan] Experiment on xbean-finder
> An expanded view of the info below in markdown:
> Pulled in some also pulled in some Meta-Annotation information from the 
> proposals going around Java EE 7.  There's a lot there, feel free to ignore 
> it.  Not critical.
> -David
> On Jun 5, 2012, at 9:57 PM, David Blevins wrote:
>>  On Jun 5, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Matt Benson wrote:
>>>  Welcome, David!
>>  Thanks, Matt!
>>  Ok, so I refactored it a bit to work in some of the ideas I was hearing on 
> IRC today.
>>  Those changes were primarily:
>>  - Promote Info objects that represent class data to a separate package not 
> tied to any bytecode library
>>  - Add listener interface to consume the Info objects
>>  - Added parser abstraction to use ASM or similar library to create the Info 
> objects and invoke listener
>>  The code was there and generally written somewhat decoupled with those 
> parts in mind.  Took a bit of snipping and cutting here and there to fully 
> decouple it and separate everything out into separate packages.
>>  There's no ParserFacory yet, that could easily be created.  I figured 
> there was enough there to show how things work.
>>  Here's an overview of the code:
>>  org.apache.commons.classscan.finder
>>  - AnnotationFinder
>>  - IAnnotationFinder
>>  - ResourceFinder
>>  AnnotationFinder is essentially the "db" and has methods to 
> query.
>>  ResourceFinder is for basic file location such as 
> "META-INF/persistence.xml" and can also be used as part of a 
> ServiceLoader replacement.  See the ResourceFinder.mdtext for details
>>  org.apache.commons.classscan.finder.archive
>>  - Archive
>>  - ArchiveIterator
>>  - ClassesArchive
>>  - ClasspathArchive
>>  - CompositeArchive
>>  - FileArchive
>>  - FilteredArchive
>>  - JarArchive
>>  The Archive interface allows for sources of class files to be abstracted.  
> The JarArchive, ClassesArchive and FileArchive are concrete implementations.  
> CompositeArchive is simply a collection of Archive implementations.  
> FilteredArchive allows for the archive itself to be filtered in various ways.
>>  org.apache.commons.classscan.finder.filter
>>  - ClassFilter
>>  - ContainsFilter
>>  - ExcludeIncludeFilter
>>  - Filter
>>  - FilterList
>>  - Filters
>>  - IncludeExcludeFilter
>>  - PackageFilter
>>  - PatternFilter
>>  - PrefixFilter
>>  - SuffixFilter
>>  The Filter interface simply allows you to give a yay or nay to a String.  
> This is of course useful for greatly limiting the classes actually scanned 
> when 
> combined with an Archive via wrapping it with a FilteredArchive and supplying 
> a 
> Filter.
>>  FilterList is a Filter implementation that combines one or more filters.  
> Both "yes" and "no" filters can be used via 
> IncludeExcludeFilter or ExcludeIncludeFilter which are modeled after HTTPd 
> allowed host pattern.
>>  PackageFilter, ClassFilter, SuffixFilter, PrefixFilter, ContainsFilter and 
> PatternFilter are concrete implementations of Filter that each have a simple 
> approach to testing the string to give a yay or nay.
>>  The Filters class is a convenience class that makes it easy to construct 
> the various filters with little syntax as well as performs unwrapping when 
> necessary if it sees things like a FilterList with only one filter or a 
> FilterList containing another FilterList.
>>  org.apache.commons.classscan.finder.meta
>>  - Annotated
>>  - AnnotatedMember
>>  - AnnotatedMethod
>>  - MetaAnnotated
>>  - MetaAnnotatedClass
>>  - MetaAnnotatedConstructor
>>  - MetaAnnotatedElement
>>  - MetaAnnotatedField
>>  - MetaAnnotatedMethod
>>  - MetaAnnotation
>>  This package provides basic support for meta-annotations which are simply 
> annotation reuse or inheritance.  CDI, Bean Validation and JAX-RS all have 
> similar concepts of inheritance.  This code does a more generic approach to 
> reuse that isn't tied to any one particular specification.  Fun to play 
> with, but not critical to the core concept of annotation scanning.
>>  org.apache.commons.classscan.finder.model
>>  - Annotatable
>>  - AnnotationInfo
>>  - ClassInfo
>>  - FieldInfo
>>  - Info
>>  - InfoHandler
>>  - MethodInfo
>>  - PackageInfo
>>  The basic objects to model class metadata along with a listener.
>>  There could easily be a InfoHandlerList which would be an implementation of 
> InfoHandler that allowed for a collection of InfoHandlers.
>>  org.apache.commons.classscan.finder.parse
>>  - AsmParser
>>  - Parser
>>  Abstracts out the actual bytecode parsing such as ASM.  The parser need 
> only read from the Archive and produce the model of Info objects and invoke 
> the 
> InfoHandler.
>>  org.apache.commons.classscan.finder.util
>>  - Classes
>>  - SingleLinkedList
>>  - UriSet
>>  - UrlSet
>>  Just some utilities.  UrlSet and UriSet are essentially searchable 
> collections of URL or URI to allow for something as large as a classpath of 
> URLs 
> to be easily narrowed.  Was written before the Filter API and only partially 
> supports it.  Would be nice to have it updated.  SingleLinkedList is a 
> minimally 
> functional list designed to save memory in the model Info objects.
>>  Overview of AnnotationFinder methods
>>     public AnnotationFinder(Archive archive)
>>  Basic constructor.  The Parser or some ParserFactory should be added.
>>     public AnnotationFinder enableMetaAnnotations()
>>     public AnnotationFinder enableFindImplementations()
>>     public AnnotationFinder enableFindSubclasses()
>>  Methods to enable some heavier lifting.  Each has a cost and none are 
> essential to basic annotation scanning.
>>     public List<Package> findAnnotatedPackages(Class<? extends 
> Annotation> annotation)
>>     public List<Class<?>> findAnnotatedClasses(Class<? 
> extends Annotation> annotation)
>>     public List<Method> findAnnotatedMethods(Class<? extends 
> Annotation> annotation)
>>     public List<Constructor> findAnnotatedConstructors(Class<? 
> extends Annotation> annotation)
>>     public List<Field> findAnnotatedFields(Class<? extends 
> Annotation> annotation)
>>  Fairly self explanatory.
>>     public List<Annotated<Class<?>>> 
> findMetaAnnotatedClasses(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation)
>>     public List<Annotated<Method>> 
> findMetaAnnotatedMethods(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation)
>>     public List<Annotated<Field>> 
> findMetaAnnotatedFields(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation)
>>  Meta-annotation versions of the above.  Just noticed a couple missing :)
>>     public boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation> 
> annotation)
>>     public List<Class<?>> findClassesInPackage(String 
> packageName, boolean recursive)
>>  Some trivial utility methods.
>>     public <T> List<Class<? extends T>> 
> findSubclasses(Class<T> clazz)
>>     public <T> List<Class<? extends T>> 
> findImplementations(Class<T> clazz)
>>  These are quite heavy and not recommended for large sets of classes such as 
> the entire JVM classpath.  Works great for a handful of jars.  Beyond that is 
> not recommended unless you have heaps of Heap.
>>     public AnnotationFinder select(Class<?>... clazz)
>>     public AnnotationFinder select(String... clazz)
>>     public AnnotationFinder select(Iterable<String> clazz)
>>  Newer methods that allow you to narrow down the scope of the 
> AnnotationFinder.  Say you have a finder for an entire .war file and you want 
> to 
> get the data for just a jar or specific class or list of classes.  Likely 
> there 
> could be 'join' methods to mirror these.  As well there could be a 
> 'select' method that could easily take a Filter as an arg.
>>  So that's more or less what is there :)  Of course anyone is welcome to 
> play with the code.  Consider it soft.  Delete, add, refactor, whatever you 
> want.  It's all in svn so no harm can be done.  Have fun.
>>  Any missing features?  Thoughts?
>>  -David
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