Regarding the new URL() problem some of you might have more experience than I 
do. I only know the problems on some platforms, and after looking at the URL 
class in detail, I really wonder whether that was me doing it wrong or a 
platform bug.

My understanding problem is mainly around the URLStreamHandler. There is a 
method where one can set a URLStreamHandlerFactory (once for JVM lifetime):

URL#setURLStreamHandlerFactory(URLStreamHandlerFactory fac)

Thus when a ClassLoader#getResources() returns an URL with "wsjar://" as 
protocol and it cannot be used for new URL(), then can I safely assume this is 
a problem in the container setup? This happens on Oracles own WebLogic...

I have not yet tried the following way:

String protocol = "wsjar";
URLStreamHandler getURLStreamHandler(protocol)

and then use the following URL constructor:

public URL(URL context, String spec, URLStreamHandler handler)

Can anyone test if this works? Or does anyone know already?
We might hack a small JSP page which scans for META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and reports 
errors with new URL(). That way we could spread the test onto various platforms.


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